Wednesday, January 30, 2013


A broken 'good' camera 
has put a serious crimp 
in my documenting Oreo 
in the past few days.
Having to rely merely on my i-phone camera is OK, 
just NOT the standard I'm used to!

How's THAT for a total First World problem!?

 Mentioning the word "food"
 is a surefire means 
to get both their attention!
while Pearl seems content 
to gnaw on a chew toy, 
Oreo has decided she likes my gloves 
(or socks or pantyhose or bras)!
Surgery coming up for Oreo on Monday -
 getting 'chipped' and 'spade' - 
which I'm sure
sounds more fun than it will be!

Ignorance is bliss!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gaining on her

Still looks like a puppy, right?

To put it in some perspective...
she's almost as long as Pearl!

So different - 
yet like two peas in a pod!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Like any other super model
there's only so long she's willing 
to cooperate...

before she absolutely refuses
 to even make eye contact!
Girlfriend is done!

Monday, January 14, 2013

4 months old

31 lbs - 

 and a total delight!!
even when a total mud puppy~

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What? another trip to the vet?

Yup... the last of your 'puppy' visits!
Getting to be so big!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

This is how persuasion works...

You walk by and notice that sister has something you want.
(Despite all the other options nearby)
 You ask her if she'll share.
When she gives a soft growl and says NO,
you lie nearby 
looking sweet and dejected...
 until the guilt gets to sister and she gets up and leaves...
leaving you with what you wanted.
This mama aint raisin' no fool!

So much fun to be in another room
and watch them work it out!

Monday, January 7, 2013

THIS is the very image of a naughty girl...

VERY big lately
 on 'capturing' and chewing 
paper products 
(specializing in kleenex and paper-towels), 
socks and underwear
and trying 
to get out of the yard
at every opportunity!

Time to ratchet up the length of our walks
to tire her out!

Friday, January 4, 2013

All of us are
going for beautifying tomorrow...
shampoo and trims!

Have no doubt
Pearl and Oreo
will return STILL
cuter than me!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!!

So, what do you think - white tassels or red?
OK, I'm ready...

Apparently, some of us aren't feeling the excitement!

OMG, Pearl...
that was just pathetic, Sister!